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Chris Pearson: In Memoriam

We’re incredibly saddened by the death of Chris Pearson, who died on 13 February at the age of 68. Chris served as archivist and researcher for both the Shell Grotto and the Margate Caves, and was a generous friend to many.

Chris had been working on compiling and digitising the Shell Grotto archive for a number of years. Shell Grotto owner Sarah Vickery says: “Chris was an absolute treasure and something of a gift from the gods - a kind, generous and gentle soul. He just loved unearthing information, putting wrong information right and dispelling myths, although he did all of that very quietly, with no ego at all. It was never about Chris – it was always about the work.

“His research around setting straight the facts concerning the Grotto’s discovery made it possible for us to completely re-interpret the Grotto’s story, presenting factual information rather than the oft-told fiction. He was the person I rang when I had an obscure question to ask, or an eBay discovery to share, or just needed a sympathetic ear. He was a valued team member and a dear friend. Those who say that no one is irreplaceable never had Chris on their team.”

Isle of Thanet News story here.

Chris in the Shell Grotto, from Out of Your Tree 3, by Priory Studios. All proceeds to Make A Wish Ireland. Photo: Dominic Lee.

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